Monday, March 30, 2009

Our first post... awww

So, Heather being the awesome friend that she is, created this blog for us. Even though I really don't have anything to write about except ourselves, which is weird but I will give it a try.

On Saturday we decided to have a family photo shoot. We haven't taken any pictures since we have been married, and Brandon and Heather wanted to take some with baby Will, or B-Will as Steve-o likes to call him. We had so much fun. Some are cute. Some are not as cute. Enjoy!

Black and White or Color? I think I like both.

This one is my favorite. Love the red shoes!

Heather thought these were funny, so I will keep them in. HAHA! Anyway, blogging actually isn't so bad, maybe I will get good at it and keep it up to date. Probably wishful thinking but we'll see.